The success of fitness challenges

The success of fitness challenges

Great trend this year, sports challenges are popular! Easy to do at home, without any particular equipment, these challenges, at the first approach, do not seem complicated. A good pair of sneakers and go! Here is a small list of the most popular challenges:
  • The Top Body Challenge: This French program was created by Sonia Tlev and Lucile Woodward, a state-certified sports coach. This challenge lasts 12 weeks. 3 times 30 minutes of exercise per week with complement of cardio (bike, dance, running or skipping rope) that allows you to lose weight. Every other day there is a specific program for each body part. Here is an example of a typical week:

Tuesday - rest
Wednesday - Arms and behind
Thursday - rest
Saturday / Sunday - CARDIO and rest

  • Kaya Challenge: for a rapid transformation of your body

Kayla is a fitness coach since 2008, and after basketball during her youth, offers us a bikini body trainer over 12 weeks. She is a great fitness guru on social networks whose inspiring photos and the before and after of her community attract thousands of people (5.7m subscribers). She written a book about workouts and healthy recipes.

  • Plank challenge: to gain depth, one month for a flat stomach and concrete abs. Warning ! You are advised to take a little break time beyond 3.5 minutes ... because the shoulders can be weakened.

Day 1 Plank Challenge: Forearm Plank (Low Plank)
Place elbows directly beneath your shoulders, legs extended.
Press through your heels so calves are lengthened. Draw your navel to your spine and engage your glutes.
Hold for 45 seconds; Do three sets.

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